Example of configuration of transition with field screen with required field

Workflow view

Transition synchronization example with Component as required field.

Transition configuration

On "Close" transition you require from user to fill Component/s field.


Basically you just need to duplicate your existing transition within your desired workflow.

Close transition won't take place, so you need to adjust your workflow. Below you you can find required steps:

  1. Add new transition from status  to status , e.g. IssueSYNC_close, without attaching Screen to it.
  2. Add condition to this new transition (IssueSYNC_close) - restrict it to technical user only (because there is no condition for single user, you need to create new group and assign technical_user only to this group, you will ensure no one will have access to this transition excluding technical_user, which will allow IssueSYNC plugin to make transition).

IssueSYNC configuration

Before workaround

After workaround

After adding your new transition, configure workflow mapping as on the picture (map only transition without required fields).